Prioritize the Magic: Simple Strategies for Business and Family Goals

When are you normally the most energetic or productive? When does your brain switch on? Conversely, when do you find yourself reaching for caffeine or needing a break? What energizes you, and what drains you?
Take me for example—I am not a morning person. My brain doesn’t function fully until 10:00 a.m., and my most productive hours are between 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. I start my day with simple tasks like emails or reviewing action items because they require less energy. During my high-energy hours, I tackle strategic work like writing articles, shooting videos, or planning business initiatives. I end my day with lighter tasks that prepare me for the next day before switching gears into family mode.
Understanding how you naturally operate and scheduling tasks based on your energy levels can significantly improve your productivity—without burning out.
The Hidden Battle: Working Mother and the Ongoing Childcare Crisis

As the default parent and an employee-turned-entrepreneur, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cut back on hours worked or lost out on jobs entirely because of the struggle to find good childcare for my kids. This problem not only immediately impacts my family but is part of what contributes toward the pay gap between men and women and the mommy penalty.
Walking the Tightrope: Achieving Work-Life Flow as a Working Mom

In today’s competitive, professional world, trying to achieve work-life balance often feels like being forced to walk a tightrope holding an unbalanced pole, on a windy day, over a vast canyon, with no net.